But My Lies Are the Truth

Everyone is lying to anyone and anyone believes everyone (as long as your lie agrees with mine). I find humor in the political process this year. Granted, it is always been out in leftfield, but it is extremely funny this year. Not so much the politicians as much as the American citizenry. I say this because of social media.


Social media makes it possible for the asinine thoughts of every meathead to spew an unrestricted technicolor yawn not seen since the “barf-o-rama” scene in the movie Stand by Me.

I laugh because the ‘holier than thou’ clan accused the ‘better than you’ tribe of lying and spreading propaganda. If you’re not seeing the humor yet let me give you a hint. Both the clan and the tribe are rapidly discharging bile with blueberry stuffing at the speed of breath. What makes me think that my lies are better than your lies? Why do you think that your lies are better than mine? How is it that one can think that the ‘holier than thou’s’ are lying and the ‘better than you’s’ are telling the gospel truth? Or vice versa if you’re a part of the ‘better than you’s’.

Celebrity Elite backed up by the Athlete Fraternity

Then the guttural belly laugh comes from the athlete fraternity and celebrity elite. The privileged group who know more about what’s happening in the “real world” than the people who are fearlessly living it day by day. Hour by hour. Minute by minute. We get the insights of the elites with a backup from the fraternity looking down from their pedestals, informing us troglodytes how to think for ourselves by telling us what we should be thinking. Privileged to be able to spread their combined intelligence. Sadly, for them, that amounts to very little. We pay them to perform like circus bears not to actually speak their inconsequential drivel.

To Be Wise

Time for a quote; “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt”. I can’t pinpoint this quote to a single source, Abraham Lincoln? Mark Twain perhaps? No. So, I quote the Holy Bible. Proverbs 17:28, “Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent”.

I say, “Shut the hell up you meatheads!”

I consider you ‘wise’ to do so.


Terms and Conditions: I would love to read your comments and opinions. If you comment I require you to have an opinion of your own. Don’t just say “I disagree”. Why do you disagree? In order for me to learn I need to know why. I also ask that you keep a civil tongue. I speak only for myself. To paraphrase John Wayne as J.B. Books from the 1976 movie The Shootist, I will not be called names. I will not be demeaned or ridiculed. I will not be chastised for my opinion. I don’t do these things to others, and I require the same from you. We can have an adult conversation. DO NOT take as an example of adult conversations our governmental representatives. They are rife with junior high schoolyard spats. We are not them.