
Let me start off with the fact that this site will be PG-13 and sometimes R for language, and occasionally the topic. I will be asking all kinds of questions about the world as I know it. I have anger issues and my language may drip with sarcasm and project my issues on occasion. If you are thin skinned and offended easily this site is not for you. Perhaps I can get a Disney link for you to click.

Welcome to my opinions

What a great time to be alive, right? I think thoughts every day and I think my thoughts are just as thoughtful as the idiotic so-called pundits on any given topic. Instant information allowing everyone to get the most asinine opinions and non-news issues streamed directly to you. 24 hours a day. Who doesn’t want to know about a schoolyard pissing match while I’m on the road, driving to my mundane job? This non-news puts your life, and mine, in jeopardy. Your life is less important than whatever famous Kardashian ass or underrated celebrity tit has caught the eye of the latest degenerate shutterbug. I can’t think of anything better than getting urgent non-news every time I open an electronic device. So, buckle up buttercup, here are my opinions on what the world thinks is important and why I disagree. Hold on to your genitals, we’re going for a ride.